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Old April 1st, 2016, 15:29   #32
Desmodus's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
Originally Posted by mrjaybles View Post
So I made a post about this a while back and it got some positive feedback but I wanted to make a new post because now I know exactly what is the problem.

So basically I have a physical disability called spinocerebellar ataxia(google it if you wish) which affects my muscle movements, coordination, etc. I really want to get into this sport/hobby but I'm afraid of getting laughed at or teased because "I don't move and react like normal people do" or something like that. Also I have the tendency to fall down a lot because my balance is off. I would feel way more comfortable playing with a friend or someone like that but I dont have any friends who play airsoft. Any and all feedback is welcome. Thank you.

You shouldn't care about what anyone else thinks. If you wanna play airsoft, then come play airsoft. Most airsofters I've met are good, decent people who are more than willing to help others out if needed.
Guardians of Asgaard - KF25 -

Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
Secondary: Latino heat, TM Glock 17
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