A Personal thank you too everyone who showed up to the 2016 May 8th season opener making it the biggest season opening game we've had despite it being mothers day. Also a thank you to all the mothers out there who put up with us playing and having fun on their day.
I notice we are experiencing a huge growth period in our northern airsoft community that started to really take off last season and is continuing into this season, thanks to the help that our president, vice president, treasurer & added new position field manager has brought to making our community & game quality better every season. A personal thanks to everyone who brought food, water, game supplies & provided the labor to make Sundays game possible.
Here is the group photo I took Sunday May 8th

Four players could not make this photo, which includes myself bearsintheyukon as the photographer, taken with a nikon D810 with a 24-70mm nikkor lens.