Ok so you've gotta start somewhere:
Pen and paper dimensions.
Then we work some magic in the CAD:
Design a CAM solution that's fast:
Now to cut the stock on the chopsaw:
It gets deburred and then thrown on the mill:
Initial milling complete:
Then to remove excess material on the bandsaw:
Face the remainder on the manual mill:
Then to drill and tap some important holes:
And voila, you have scope rings:
My 10-24 bolts are too long, so I'll have to cut them down to fit, but overall I'm happy with the progress. I'll have to spend some time sanding down the ID to fit the scope as it's exactly 1" and will need a little play to fit correctly.
Tonight I hope to fit them to the receiver.
Also, as this was a rush job with my downtime... My cutter wasn't the best, so there is a bit of chatter on the external of the rings... Paint will fix that. Or not. Thug lyf.