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Old September 10th, 2016, 01:50   #1
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: ON
Full Auto on Semi - but more to it

I need to describe the situation first so bear with me..

Been working on a stock VFC 417 AEG and recently added a GATE NanoHard mosfet along with a Tienly motor (GT 35K). I built an entirely new wire harness with milspec low resistance wire to accompany the mosfet install.

I also tuned the gearbox with the standard Sorbo Pad/AOE correction and lightened the piston by replacing the aluminum piston head and bearing with a poly piston head (removed bearings)

Everything else is stock..

When i fired up the gun initially i was using a 11.1V 15C lipo and everything ran smoothly.. ~27 rps with snappy semi auto. I ran Active Breaking with the mosfet initially...

Then i turned off Active Breaking and plugged in my 25C 11.1V and semi no longer worked.. i was getting what seemed like a 2-3 round full auto burst (this wasn't the mosfet as this feature is not available on the nanohard)

I turned Active Breaking back on and the issue went away.. back to super snappy semi auto and i broke the 30rps limit..

i think i know what is happening.. Pre-Engagment... the super high torque motor/mosfet combo is now cycling the gears too fast with the 25C lipo (versus the 15c). The active breaking when ON is fixing this by keeping the cycle controlled....

but should i do the folllowing to remedy this.. (note: the sector gear has a delayer clip pre-installed)

1. replace spring with m120 (i believe the stock is ~m110.. im shooting ~365FPS) That should slam the piston forward fast enough?

2. short stroke the gears/piston by a copule teeth (how many?)

3. Both

4. Neither.. just run the 25C with Active Breaking ON

sorry for the short novel but i like to provide all the details for a more informed response
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