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Old September 29th, 2016, 16:15   #1
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Victoria, British Columbia
Upgrading a VFC VR16. Seigeteks?

So, I had a full build going was running great then the other day it decided to blow up on me so yeah. My build was SHS 12.1 gears, SHS aluminum piston with steel rack, Lonex anti-reversal latch, Stock Cylinder, Stock Nozzle, Ace 1 arms silent piston and cylinder heads, Tienly GT45000 motor, Tienly Pinion, AWS stealth fet, Gate warfet. Long story short stuff decided to stop meshing when I added the timely motor and the thing self destructed causing mass gear stripping, piston stripping, scored cylinder, stripped pinion etc... My stupidity. So my question now is what should I do for awesome trigger response should I consider a tougher gear seigeteks possibly? Are they worth the $175? Or stick with SHS 12.1's? Looking for ideas. I also have a chimera coming in the mail from BTC. Let me know your thoughts!
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