Internals are all from a stock VFC gun apparently, stuffed into a lonex gearbox shell.
The gears looks like their "self shimming" set. The sector gear has a delay clip on it.
The motor is unmarked, supposedly VFC stock.
The spring is mine, iirc its SP110 , new.
The battery is a 7.4 1200mah valken lipo, also new.
Would photos of all this crap help?
I just reread the sticky on semi auto seizure, and what I'm now experiencing sort of sounds like it.
Should I try a higher voltage battery? Currently I only own a few 7.4 volts.
I'm guessing they're under powered for this stock motor working against that stronger spring.
Last edited by Cr0nik; October 1st, 2016 at 16:25..