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Old October 2nd, 2016, 14:53   #15
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
AEG gears don't have timing.
And it doesn't really matter what you're battery is rated for, if your mechbox is stuck and you're holding the trigger down, it's effectively a dead short.
If the mechbox doesn't move with a quick pull of the trigger, don't keep pulling the trigger.

Normally, this would be clear evidence of poor shimming, but since you're using self shimming gears and apparently the piston slides fine with the shell closed, we can rule that out.
So apparently your motor doesn't seem to have enough torque to pull a 400fps spring with 18:1 gears? Very odd, considering they should pull 400fps stock. But I wouldn't rule out that battery just being a piece of shit, either.
Valken alleges that they're 20C, but since they're valken, they're also probably garbage.

Try it with a turnigy nanotech 7.4v 1200mah 25-50C battery
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