Originally Posted by BioRage
That's your answer.
$293 USD for a non-trademark body, $400 USD for a licensed body sounds about right.
You pay more for trademarks, look at the VFC AEG's, anything H&K is immediately double the VR16 lineups.
+1 its true. The full trades MP5's cost a lot more. If I remember correctly the MP5K + trades and mods to allow admissibility into Canada ran at least $500USD.
Originally Posted by NAAZ
I'm gettng my stuff from proactstore.com from now on. Seems like no one knows about the place but it's a TW based retailer that deals with manufacturers like VFC very closely. I contacted them and they can get me an upper for around $100 cad. I'm vouching for this store because most items are cheap and they communicate with VFC which is also based in TW.
I know a staff at VFC directly and I can get any parts I want from them via Paypal. The problem is, getting a receiver into Canada that might possibly get seized. As the MP5 receiver mimics the real thing in steel and dimensions.