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Old January 31st, 2017, 00:20   #459
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: edmonton
Looking for some info/advice on swapping the inner barrels and hop unit on my PTW. It's been a long time since I've done anything airsoft related and I'm bored.

I literally just found the RWA and MDD units that have been out for a while but I'm curious if anyone has used them and how they perform compared to a modified stock hop up, which I've been running since I purchased my PTW back in 2011. I always run .30 bb's and I'd like to know if the RWA or MDD can handle a .30 weight BB or if the nub still needs to be modified.

I'm also still using the CQBR inner barrel that came with the gun and combined with my also current hop up setup, it performs just great. But I'd like to play with a new setup to see if I can further improve accuracy or if it's even worth it. Has anyone tested out any other brand of inner barrel?

Just trying to dial everything in for a game I'm planning to attend this summer.

Hope some PTW owners are still active on the boards and can help me out.


Last edited by megaman; January 31st, 2017 at 00:25..
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