How often are optics really used in real life ?
All right after seeing a few videos ,..Im wondering about something ,.. I know in air soft we all like to do impressions of certain types of characters & we have seen a big trend in the holosight , dot reflex etc ,..& many police seem to adopt them as well ,..However I have seen some video of just what looking through one of these types of sights is like in real life after sustained or intermittent fire & it appears in the case I saw anyway that after only intermittent firing ,the heat distortion over the barrel really seems to distort the image on the sight making it waver around like a heat mirage its like the lens the optic is projected on magnifies the effect ,..So now Im curious ,..even though we see them in all the movies & the police seem to like them ,..How often are they actually used by by real military or contractors or anybody that actually expects to be firing more than a few rounds ,..the effect I saw seemed like it would really make the sight ineffective , Ive been looking for a while & cant for the life of me find the vids I saw that showed it ...
" Now if the hydro prices dont go down in ontario , Im going to have to switch all my aeg's to gas ,... "