Thread: P90 Or G36c
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Old October 13th, 2005, 02:35   #20
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Kamloops
i own the p90tr and really like it, but i have always loved the look of the gun, even before it started getting used in TV shows and video games, so it was a must buy for me. my buddy has a g36 and i do find it a tad more accurate then the p90 as it has 20ish fps then the p90, but i found the p90shoots faster(i am a shitty shot and usualy miss my first few) and that helps me find the target.

i havent run the highcap for the p90, but i have been advised against it. in defense of the locaps, i have found that generaly if you get in a firefight and need to reload you are probably gonna get killed and the locaps hold around 68 rnds which is usualy enough(with the exception of surpressing fire ofcourse).

the comments about LBV's are also true, there are very few vests that hold the mags, but it can be fixed fairly easy with aome extra strapping.

overall i think the p90 is better suited for cqb and thick bush play when compared to the g36, it's pretty much comes down to what you like and what kind of look you are going for and your style of play. with its smaller size i think the p90 would make a great backup for snipers and for scouts stuck crawling through thick brush.

i know some of these point were covered above, but i wanted to put my two cents in.
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