Thread: AK vs M4 (AR)
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Old November 12th, 2018, 11:33   #32
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Montreal (Sept-May)/Quebec City (May-Sept)
I'd like to start by excusing my lack of presence, university is keeping me very busy, and this thread fell low on my priority list.

Originally Posted by Ov3rWatch View Post
I've been following this thread and I think I get where you're coming from. That being said let me say that the following opinions and observations are from someone who has owned only AR's and has tried their teamates AK's.
Thanks Ov3rWatch this was definitely a huge addition to this thread. Since you know the 416 pretty well I do have a question: are some of the parts proprietary? I've heard some guys say that some externals were proprietary (they mentioned the front rail) I've also heard the gearbox was slightly longer. But i've met some people tell me the 416 is completely compatible with the classic M4 base.
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