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Old January 2nd, 2019, 20:06   #1
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Southern Alberta
fns-9 brand new problems

Does anyone have any experience with a cybergun fns-9? i got one for christmas, it showed up today.
upon giving some grease/lube, i attempted to fire 12 bb's through it, slide partially locked up, recocked and it puked air.

released magazine to removed slide, slide is now stuck but moving, the piston is getting stuck because the hammer is not staying cocked, i was able to eventually keep the hammer cocked via Allen key, removed slide, inspected, no damage i could see.

installed slide, attempted 12 shots again, shot 2, same thing.

after this happens the fns will NOT fully engage the hammer, i can watch the slide push the hammer/striker down, but it does not latch ( it latches before this problem though)

ill try and make a video but this is brand new and would like to fix it if its simple, but i guess ill have to return it....
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