Originally Posted by Styrak
Where did you find/see that?
Ya boy Fritz here has a gearbox takedown video, its the MBR 308 but iirc its the same internals as the 556, check 37min 30sec and you can see the gearset:
Originally Posted by The_Jelly
...the stock blue fang type bucking was useless.
I bought the 556 G2 last spring, and while I really like it overall for a stock gun I completely agree; the stock hopup rubber & bucking suck.
The nub is really soft and the two contact points on the bucking are tiny.
The stock setup feels like the first 90% of the hop up adjustment has little to no effect, while the last 10% provides a little hop.
Originally Posted by The_Jelly
...I was a little disappointed at how far it shot.
Out of curiosity what was yours shooting out of the box? Mine was ~370-380 and I was able to engage people out to 190-200 ft with... I think I was shooting .28s or .30s.
I should also mention while we're all complaining about the gun: the design of
the ambi fire selector is hot garbage. The retaining screws don't come with any loctite on them and ongoing/normal operation of the fire selector will actually cause both sides to loosen and eventually completely unscrew themselves. This also causes some mechanical lag between the left and right selectors: the left can be clicked into place on semi, while the right is slightly out of place and vice versa: this can cause it to randomly switch modes. I nearly lost my selector in a swamp the first time I fielded it, I had to physically duct tape the selector in place on semi on both sides of the gun because I didn't have a small enough hex key in my emergency tools to tighten it.
If you buy this gun, do yourself a favor and loctite the screws on both sides of the selector, and better yet: just remove the right side selector entirely. I replaced mine with a 3D printed plug.