Originally Posted by BioRage
Nothing will ever outgun an AEG, in terms of accuracy, range and ammo capacity unfortunately.
Gas Guns are still the same, they vary depending on your gas in the mag - sure they are more reliable now and more gas efficient (i.e GHK / GHK Gen 2 mags) but you're dropping a lot on a full setup. (Rifle + 6 mags will be near $1,000++ after tax new) (excluding necessity, fps reducer, etc.)
If you plan on playing CQB only, you can get away with gas, (all seasons at Siege is acceptable) - if you do outdoors, I'd recommend an AEG.
In all honestly, your real steel fixation can't be recouped in airsoft, just saying. Bans are all talk since election is soon. 
Totally valid point on the election!
It still is fun to use the same gear and reload ability though. Ironically the fear of the election has made me re-appreciate airsoft.
I’ll look into a gas/aeg combo.