Thread: Snipers Corner
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Old February 7th, 2006, 19:16   #57
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Originally Posted by dj_ghillie
Originally Posted by manchovie
lets make a goddamn encyclopedia.
That's my idea for the sniper section. Just a place with detailed reviews, spring charts ect.

As for the tactics info, as I said it can be googled and we shouldn't be spoon-feeding noobies who can't search. I for one would not like to play with a trigger happy kid who has no experience and no regard for minimum engagement range.
You make a good point, but my point is also simple. Its a game. People get bruses and cuts in every single (active) game played... In airsoft, sometimes people get shot from close range, it happens. People tend to complain alot in this game...If theres a questionable hit fired apon me, I will tell that person not to be a tool, and if they do it again, they get lit up by my pony...Thats the only way people will learn, not by reading faq's in a forum.

Airsoft a sport where you shoot bbs at people at a high velocoty/Rate of fire. which means, your intentionally causing that person some degree of pain. Stop bitching when a bb hits you, and start enjoying the sport for what it is. There are video games you can play if you want to be completly safe.

I think restricting a section because the 'snipers' want to remain mysterous, is completly retarded. Don't forget, your playing a fictional game here people. The ammunition you are discharging is plastic, and the people your firing them at are probably joining you after the game for wings and beer....So why hide information?

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