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Old April 8th, 2006, 03:58   #6
Death March
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Manitoba
From what I'm thinking your saying it gets tight right at the muzzel end?Thats were mine was getting alittle snug,but if the set-screws in the middel of the outer barrel were tighten to much they press on the inner barrel (in the middel of it!) and it pushes the muzzel end down.So when it goes through the bushing at the end of the barrel it does't line up right with the outer barrel.It's hard to exsplane,try and back off the set-screws in the middle of the outer barrel,slide in the inner barrel and re-tighten the outer barrel set-screws.If it's not working it's not what I'm thinking.My bad! But it does sound like the samething I had happen a few weeks back,hope it does you some good.
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