Phenom: Yes, I tire of the obvious questions as well. But lots of people on this board seem to be carrying over that attitude to questions that don't have to do with basic knowledge, not just the repeated ones. The China airsoft was just an example, and perhaps it was a bad one at that. The vibe I get from reading threads that people make about China airsoft is that "They suck, they're not worth the money, and you're an idiot for even thinking about it." It's the last part that concerns me. This forum as a whole is very hostile to outsiders or newbies. I don't think "will an AEG break glass" is one of those threads that is repeated time after time. I've been here since February and this is the first thread I've seen about it as far as I know.
It's very ironic to me, because in the time a lot of people spend typing out anti-spoonfeeding responses (although I think some people just cut and paste them from a list of pre-made responses in a text file), they could have typed a useful answer instead, and answered the person's question. I'm sure it drives a lot of new players away from the sport.
But, I must get back to the original topic at hand.
I'm only addressing his first question, about glass breaking under AEG/GBB fire. The rest are ones better answered by people other than me.
I don't know about everyone else, but why would I want to calculate the force at which a BB will break glass when I could just ask here and get an answer from someone who has done it already? I got tired enough of physics in high school.
And how is going through the FAQ and going to a game to answer that particular question faster than reading a useful reply in a thread? I can post a question in the morning, go to work, and when I get back there's usually enough useful info to keep me reading for a good 15 minutes.
I asked basic questions (like where to get guns, asking about guns that people there have, and your other examples) at games, but there's a lot of questions that people in my community have not able to answer. For example, virtually no one in my community owns an ICS gun, so what good is it going to do me to ask questions about it at a game? As I said, there's YEARS of accumulated knowledge here, much more than is available in my local scene. I prefer to ask here because there's a lot larger user base, and I can get a lot of useful information, or a lot of differing opinions on something. There's only a couple of hundred active members on the JOC forum, which is basically the entire Calgary scene, and there's what, five or six thousand active here?
Anyway, that's my rant. Take it for what you will, but one of the things I was taught as a kid was "there is no such thing as a stupid question".
Last edited by vatek; December 8th, 2006 at 11:18..