Thread: Break Glass?
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Old December 8th, 2006, 11:32   #26
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: MB
This is an interesting discussion. One of our fields has a bit of an auto junkyard with several vehicles that have the glass intact. A few have bullet holes in them that were produced by small arms fire at one point, mainly a .22, a shotgun, and an SKS. Our field limits are 400 fps for automatic fire and a lot of people are shooting at or near that, and I've yet to see anyone so much as spider crack a glass pane there. Heck, I've even shot at my OWN truck's windows with my SAR M41FS from a distance just for the heck of it cause I was confident they'd be fine (and they were).

It appears this question isn't answered by a simple yes or no. I do agree however that prudence should be used if there is glass in the area that someone doesn't want broken.

Thanks for the props vatek. Some of us here do try to make it reasonably hospitable for newcomers, although we sometimes tire of the same tripe too. Personally if I find a thread that I either can't help out in or simply don't want to, I'll skip it and not waste my time replying. It seems some here though live just for that and jump into any thread they can simply to give someone a hard time, and then ironically enough complain about it later as if they were obligated to say something in the first place.

What I find most amusing is how many posts Greylocks has that are simply lengthy justifications for his methods. If you took the average word count from each of his posts and replaced it with an equal amount of actual informative data you'd probably have a wealth of knowledge that people could actually learn from.
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