Originally Posted by KC
tacvests arn't issued out in the PRes until you've completed BMQ...before then, you get all the old school gear. same goes for gortex stuff, cadpet gucci and etc
Possibly last year but now we are issued everything that is current.
Just last Novemeber (2006) we were all issued Tacvests and full ICE (Cadpat not OD). Some people even got the Cadpat Bivy bags.
Now you understand why we asked "what the heck is the old webbing for". Strangely they didn't give us any mag pouches, so the webbing is totally useless but looks great collecting dust in my basement.
The only "Gucci" item we were not issued is the new "Cadpat Poncho Liner/Ranger Blanket" (I've seen them, there nice, but we didn't get them yet) and of course the Cadpat Camelbak (that seems to only go to personel on ops).