Promtoting it as a sport would give a better image of Airsoft to the genéral public. The terms simulation or rehenacment have give obscur felling the the average people and also sound a bit geekish. People tend to have a better opinion of hockey and football(tath are 2 violents sports) than real size D&D outdoor skirmish( where a level 10 spell has little chance of damaging your back or twisting your knee).
I wouldn't sauy it's an extreme sport, because an extreme sport is an activity where you put our physical integrity at risk(wich as never beeb the case in any game I went to).
Now If you rather play a 24h complex scenario game instead of improvised Skirmish is just a nother way to play the game.(like slalom downhill skiing instead of acrobatic skiing). Or as I would say;"Some like sprint, other Marathon.
Targer shooting and obstaclecourse are oficial sport I don't see why Airsoft could not be one.
BTW I heard in a Frenche Documentary on airsoft that Italy reconised Airsoft as an official sport.
When I'm sweaty.. it's sport!
Last edited by Mist3r.B; April 12th, 2007 at 14:56..