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Old April 27th, 2007, 14:43   #7
CalvinTat's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Red Deer
I guess I'm one of those that like to push the VSR to certain limits, I will provide a list of upgrades in my VSR-10 when I get the chance later this afternoon.

Well, personally I do want to pick up a KJW M700 for the cheap price, the problem with the M700 is fluctuations in temperature render the gun either useless or extremely dangerous. Couple that with the low round capacity of the KJW M700 magazines (at 10 rounds per mag) makes sniping that much more of a realistic venture.
The KJW M700 has a pre-installed flow-restrictor that is easily removed to increase the FPS by roughly 150%. To potentially remedy the bent inner barrel issue on the KJW is to remove a single barrel mount that way the barrel is allowed to free float to the best position for itself and could prevent the bent inner barrel. As for mag feeding issues, I havn't researched a lot into it.

For a beginner, I would say the KJW can be a good starter, but please leave the flow restricter in place and operate on Duster Gas on warmer days, until you are capable of accurately judging distance.

If practice makes perfect, yet nobody is perfect... Why practice?

Last edited by CalvinTat; April 27th, 2007 at 14:46..
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