If you decide to get a relflex site, make sure you get a high quality one with very little reflection off the lense.
I have a cheap $29 one and when I'm prone and hidden, I'm getting hit all the time not because people see me, but they seem a big red reflection off my sight. It's upsetting that they don't know what they're shooting at other than a bright red object, and I end up getting shot...usually in the face mind you.
Cheap tubular red dots have very little of this problem, but it still exists. It's much easier to fix though. Just put a wire mesh screen on the front of your tube and you're set hide and pick off people.
I'm trying to get some mesh to cover my reflex site and see if that helps. I have doubts.
Seeing as EOtech came into this, I was wondering, are the crosshairs on EOtech scopes supposed to be slightly fuzzy? I have a friend that bought an original eotech and the crosshairs are not clear and crisp. I understand that eotech uses a hologram type film for the reflection of the laser crosshair. Is that what causes the fuzziness of the crosshairs?
Last edited by Vigil; April 28th, 2007 at 06:22..