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Old July 26th, 2007, 02:40   #69
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
I don't profit, I sell them for the exact same price. I have one for sale on right now and even purchased an extra mag for it. Next time ask before assuming something as such!

The reason I talk so high about these is because when I first started I have NO money to play and sold everything I could to buy a TM. Here is a much cheaper started gun to get allot more people into this sport.

And besides, there are many places where these aren't being sold.

Next time try not to judge someone before you know all the facts.
I don't think Alex was trying to be a dick... I think he was just being Alex.. hahah.

I remember saving up for 2 months to buy a TM + metal body. Guh. Never walking down that road again.
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