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Old August 20th, 2007, 16:37   #1
Brian McIlmoyle
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Toronto
So I did it, Joined the Multicam Generation

I'm not one to jump on a trend... really I resist it at all costs... cuts into my Iconoclastic persona...

Anyway... I have seen quite a few of the GHOSTS leaping around TTAC3 sporting crisp new Multicam BDUs... and I have to admit... I liked the look of it.

I resisted a long time... holding out... I'm old school through and through you see... stuck pretty much in the "analog" age... and thats just how I like my camo...

DPM... now thats a camoflage... all swirly dirt brown and jungle canopy green... it just makes you feel all "armyie" inside, Zip up that DPM smock.. and you can hear Argentinians skuttling under the table...Now thats a warrior's camo.
But no, its all digital now... Cadpat, Marpat, Universal Camo, pixelated...even the Russians are in on it with their OD and Goldenrod Birch... There is no escape.... If you wanna get with the times you gotta go digital.....except for Multicam.

So this weekend I drove to Richmond hill and turned in West Beaver Creek drive... walked in to Creative ... and ( after dithering for an hour ) plopped down $200 + for a full set of Tru-Spec tactical BDU, complete with Boonie hat and velcro festuned ( its the style you see ) ball cap.
And you now what... I really like it... the Gen 3 cut is comfortable full motion, and resplendant with more pockets than a herd of wallabies.

I don't buy the "its too brown" jive.... overall its "greenish" and as for its universality of effectiveness... My wife walked past me twice while I lurked behind the couch before she looked down her nose and said... "I can see you you know....That is'nt more camo clothing is it? I leaped out... saying, Yeah its my new "multicam" , she muttered "multimoron" under her breath... walking away saying something about "living with a 12 year old"

Anyway.. what does she know.... this stuff is cool, I can't wait till my SEALS Action Gear, multicam anorak comes....

Oh god somebody stop me.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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