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Old October 5th, 2007, 13:15   #14
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Calgary
I'm pretty interested in this new design. Having a good looking modern AK is high on my list, coming from TM it should be of a high quality design.
The blowback/shock system sounds interesting and since this gun has been delayed for so long I hope that they have actually designed it really well and tested it. Lets hope it dosen't turn out like the UZI does where it'll break after a short while.

One that that is a little disappointing:
Given this is a new AEG, this is a new gearbox probably and this is also clarified with the new magazine design.
Sounds like all current AK mags will not be compatible with this rifle, however rumours are abound that the follower system in the new mags might make it operate like the Systema. But again it might be due to the new mechbox that they've had to move the feed tube.

We'll have to see when it's unveiled!
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