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Old November 21st, 2007, 22:48   #7
Jayne Finch
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Just a thought here, but you could perhaps take an idea from the already quite perfected idea of the Potato Cannon (check youtube - LOTS of examples). I think that would probably suit your needs a lot better than this overcomplicated contraption. You can build it for about $25 worth of parts, all available from Cdn Tire, Rona, Home Depot, etc.
ok. i dont like to play the asshole here but it has to be said. YOUR A DUMBASS. potato cannons work on COMBUSTION. yeah. theres a plan. lets point something with and explosive gas in it at our friends! woohoo! let the good times roll. whatever. you do whatever you want.

anyway. i see a few problems.
1. bigger tank. 14 ounce paintball tank or bigger. (bigger is always better)
2. lose the PVC. its just a bad idea.
3. lose the 7" chamber. (the cylinder is already compressed you dont need it) need an electric (or similar) valve. something you can set for speed would be best.
5. try shortening the barrel

so basically. build it with steel with the tank the valve and the short barrel. should work beautifully. ive been thinking about doing something similar for a while but haven't gotten around to it yet.

good luck.
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