Originally Posted by SHaKaL
You know that arguments will always occur on the field. Normaly peoples can talk and resolve their problems without the organizer being involved. But sometime...
It can ruin the game for the other players.
you say that, but we had an interesting experience two summers ago out here in NS, involving knife threats, lets just say the guy was called out for it, and problems were more or less resolved after we got the guy to chill out, he got upset cause he got shot in the head to many times, not that i deliberately aim nor condone headshots, if its all i see...well you know, that and hop up can be nasty sometimes if you know what im saying...
but yes i also agree i had arguments on the field, i hate whiners, and i hate people who show up late and take a while to get ready, its ok if you got lost etc but if you just chose to sleep in a bit that morning, your now wasting everyone elses time. I also had logs that seem solid in nature but when trying to cross a river on them, break on one side...this being a early march game, resulted in me playing with one leg completely soaked in ice water...it made it hard to be sneaky with a sloshy noise every step..