Is this with all your mags or just one? I recall that mag being a double stack top, meaning that the feedlips hold the next BB in place after the one above it gets stripped off the mag.
My point being, it could be something to do with your feedlips on your mag(s). Isn't something I've had to deal with per se, but I HAVE had it happen in my CA M24 sniper rifle where the mag lips are busted up. A few years ago I sorted out brass feedlip replacements, works great and for quite a while, but when one falls off and it happens to be on a side that the lips are really gone, then my rifle will load two BBs each time.
So, load up your HiCapa mag(s), then use a Qtip or something to press one BB out at a time. You might find that two come out or all stream out (hehe, KSC M11A1 is bad for that), or only one comes out (meaning gun problem, not mag problem.)