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Old May 3rd, 2008, 00:18   #15
A Total Bastard
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Tottenham, Ontario
Lucky you man! I agree with T7, he beat me to it. You have a couple options, if you want the rails for a foregrip, bipod, accessories, what not, get a crane stock or battery bag for the rear stock and just rewire to the rear. Benifits of this is you can use a large battery back to handle potential future upgrades, more ROF/Power, ect.

Or as stated, keep it front wires, get a regular handguard set, which are super cheap and require no modifications to use, just remove the ris, and your good to go.

Either options is good, and I agree with you, UGLY PEQ BOX!!!!

did I mention your a luck bastard?
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