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Old June 28th, 2008, 15:57   #357
ROB JONES's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: I'm directly under the
The overused FMU tag. FMU Glock, which means plastic everything and barely metal slide. Same with AEGs, FMU M4 means metal body and stock metal outer barrel, but all else plastic. People that know I play airsoft and think that it's the stuff from walmart and crappy tire. My number 1 peeve, getting taken for $180 deposit on a JG HK416, I won't mention names, but now I chase you.
A&K M249 PARA, TM SR-16 SD, CA M24 v2 military fluted
TM M933 w/G&P metal short RIS M203, TM MP5 SD6
TM M3 Super 90 ,Maruzen M11 CQB, Springer USP,
TM DE Chrome Hardkick, WA GM Light 5.0,
KJ Works silver metal M9, WA 5in Infinity SV magna ltd.
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