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Old July 25th, 2008, 00:14   #14
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Toronto
Oh the "preaching" is only for the people I know, cause I know that random preaching to unknown people is gonna bring in ass hats as you say

But yes word of mouth to my good friends who are disgruntled from paintball at how they play honourable and call out their shots while other little shits yell "ouch" or "aah oww" and they stay bunkered and wipe off the paint

Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
The prevailing attitude seems to be slow, steady controlled "word of mouth" growth...Which I agree with.

"Preaching" to every disgruntled 16yo paintballer you may happen to encounter at sgt. splatters is in my view, horribly irresponsible.

I prefer to try to bring people into the community who I know have a good record of not being an ass hat, as I find they generally end up as more responsible members of the airsofting community.

But different strokes for different folks etc...
- Pistolero Steve -

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