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Old August 17th, 2008, 03:22   #13
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Calgary
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It might be a weakness of the part. I also ran my gun on propane and it's seen a lot of rounds and abuse. I've heard from other people it might be prone to breaking. One reviewer had it snap also but got a free replacement (unfortunately us Canadians don't have the luxury of a warranty) and a guy running a 150% recoil spring has had a couple go.

I'm hoping it's just mine was an old design that has been updated. My recoil spring didn't look like the one in the manual on the website. It was also a different number than in my manual so perhaps the design has been updated (and hopefully improved but only time will tell).

The spring actually seems to be holding up with the fix I described in my last post. I've put about 150 rounds through it and it's still going strong. It's a good temporary fix and I may game it if the replacement doesn't come by Monday.

You can superglue the top spring stop onto the rod (after the spring is in of course) and that will make it stay in place. Then place the broken guide behind it where it would normally be and slide the whole thing into place SLOWLY. The glue will prevent the spring from coming loose and the back part despite being broken will prevent the assembly from moving back and forth.
JG HK416
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