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Old September 20th, 2008, 22:01   #34
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ottawa
Gigaknight, A high FPS setup would be more realistic, but the limit at most fields is 400fps so you can't do anything about that without cheating. Thats why I said if I can bring a ~3000fps real gun to a game, real ROF is fine, but since the rules limit us to 400fps I use ROF to compensate.

Styrak, are the people you are shooting at also using 400fps guns with .28's? I shoot at lots of people that can't hit me back but the majority of the time its because they are using stock guns/lightly upgraded guns and .20's or .25's. With my M14 at 398fps on semi with .28's I can regularly nail people who don't stand a chance of hitting me back but their guns aren't as close to the limit and they use lighter BB's. When playing against people who I know are using 390-400fps guns and .28's my M14 is no better than them. But when I bust out 25+ rps things change drastically.
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