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Old October 17th, 2008, 16:30   #8
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Location: Saskatoon, SK
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
I always wondered about putting a couple of drops onto the top of the cylinder before placing on the adaptor. Surely the oil doesn't run into the bottle when the adaptor is in place or is in use? If it's blow out with the liquid propane...wouldn't the first mag receive "all" of the oil and the last ones "none"...thus not lubricating any of the o-rings in the mag?
This is true, the oil doesn't go into the mag, and it's meant more for single mags. I don't oil my mags much, but sometimes if I do, I'll put a drop or two of oil in the bottle opening, put the adaptor on, spurt some gas into the mag, take the adaptor off, more oil, spurt into the next mag, and so on.

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