Originally Posted by mcguyver
You cheated. You put sling on that gun!!!
That's my basement bathroom. Imagine tile on the slab, in Alberta in winter.
Needless to say you wear socks if you value your feet in there.
Oh yeah I can see the toes gettin a little chilly! My bathrooms in the basement too and Sask winters are about as unfriendly. I dream of redoing the floor someday but its just so much work and we finally just got the shower installed and the vanity is still being set up. Anyways enough about the bathroom! I could have taken my stock off but shes a single point attached at the back of the reciever on a ring held on by the stock! I suppose I could take the 2 minutes to grab a screw driver and remove it but that defeats the purpose of being lazy!
Im also jealous that you have a shower door, we just have a curtain for now. Home depot is out of the door I like. Those bastards.