Take it from a guy that have shot millions of BBs and pellets in airguns and airsoft.
Pellet, will behave more constantly under the effect of wind as long as they have enought momentum and spin.
BBs from a BB gun behave differently compared to airsoft BB, mainly because of the hopup. But BBs are naturally inconsitant is they travel without spinning.
The main factor that will mess up out acuracy here, will be, like Sha Do mentionned, drag, energy and flight time (fps). The bigger the round (ignoring it's shape), the higher the wind deflection there is. The higher the energy (joules) the less deflection there will be in a given amount of time. The faster the round is, the less deflection there is; A constant wind value deviate a round in a constant amount. Take into account drag (reduce speed of bullet), lost of energy (joules) because of drag, and you get something that is more sencible to displacement.
Think of it like a car on a highway with very strong cross wind. The trafic move at 100km/h. Large semi truck get flipped to the side by the wind. Cars are only rocked a bit.
Also, when breaking, trucks take longer to stop (more energy, more weight). Cars can stop faster (less weight, less energy).
When I teach airsoft ballistic, I draw BBs with little sails on top of them to people can visualise the size/drag factor vs velocity/energy.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
Last edited by FOX_111; November 7th, 2008 at 10:31..