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Old December 16th, 2008, 12:28   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
Cocking trouble with a Maruzen L96

I have a relitivly new Maruzen L96, I have pretty much replaced all the internals apart from the barrel and hop.
At first it worked amazingly, very accurate and not to hard to cock...
The problem I have now is that when I go to cock it the the bolt dosnt lock back, its as if the trigger units Sear is broken or not working.
But it apears fine...
I have riped it apart and back together again about 20 times now and Im starting to lose the will to live!
I have tried both the stock trigger and the new Zero trigger but both have the issue :banghead:
Any help would be Great, im allmost to the point of just throwing it away, a few hundred pounds down the drian!
Cheers in advance

Last edited by GasCan; December 16th, 2008 at 15:59..
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