Thread: g36 mags??
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Old January 4th, 2009, 16:24   #2
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Location: Midland, Ontario
Originally Posted by prepaidpwnage View Post
jg 470rd highcap 12.99
Not a fan of highcaps myself, but I've heard the JG ones work fine.
ka 90rd midcap 5pcs. 24.99 + 15 shipping
I haven't used the KA 90 round ones, but I have several of their 50 rounders and I like them. They're a little tight in the reciever of my CA G36 so you have to make sure they're locked in (and I imagine the same thing with the 90 round ones), but I've never had any feeding or performance issues with my 50 rounders.
mag 100rd midcap 2pcs 24.99
Stay away from the MAG midcaps. I have a couple of them for my G36 and I HATE them completely. They feed like crap and spew their entire load of BB's all over the place if they're even slightly bumped. The tabs on them break even easier than the ones on Classic Army mags.

For my G36, the ones that work the best are the Classic Army 50 round magazines. Granted my G36 is a CA so it makes sense, but I like them. I found the tabs on the KA ones to be stronger though (most people break the tabs off anyway).

EDIT: Removed irrelivant information.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."

Last edited by kalnaren; January 4th, 2009 at 16:41..
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