Originally Posted by cbcsteve
I heard in the Philipines they sometimes play with really high FPS. Is that true?
Melded springs, and what ever that blue ring force clan/league crap was, remember?
Originally Posted by Drake
Seriously +1
In 10 years of airsoft this is the first time I've seen that.
Question is, did you want too? :P Sure we could have found you a firing squad

Originally Posted by cbcsteve
This might just be Sticky worthy
Showing people that BBs can get lodged in and lodged in deeeep
Yeah, a thread only for posting of video/pics w/background info only on these things. Ie. there was that vid of the guy pulling the BB out his head.
"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the '
Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster
Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!