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Old February 2nd, 2009, 21:03   #1
Admits to killing Jimmy Hoffa
Join Date: Apr 2002
Mobile Device Airsoft Calculators

* Updated content as my original post could be misleading as things have changed!

I have updated the original AirsoftCalc and made an AirsoftApp. It's not free anymore but iphone development is my only source of income.

Calculates Joules based off FPS/BB Weight and lets you also input "Field Limits" for AEG, GBB and Sniper guns.

So, lets say you put in 400 fps with .20G's as your field limit. Chrony a gun at 300 fps with .36s, it'll tell you you are over the limit by 2.49 FPS.

Useful for field admins who don't want to supply .20s to players just for chrony, and means players don't have to dump rounds for the pre game test.

I've added a gear/weapons inventory section as well. It's now called AirsoftApp instead of AirsoftCalc.

Other Devices
Will have to see about some sort of update for these (android?) in the future.

Last edited by smith; January 25th, 2010 at 09:42..
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