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Old February 2nd, 2009, 21:52   #4
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by smith View Post
Okay, don't know if this should be in accessories, general, off topic or what. So it can sit in accessories like that ballistics iphone app

There's an Airsoft FPS calculator available for the iPhone/Touch. Calculates Joules based off FPS/BB Weight and lets you also input "Field Limits" for AEG, GBB and Sniper guns.

So, lets say you put in 400 fps with .20G's as your field limit. Chrony a gun at 300 fps with .36s, it'll tell you you are over the limit by 2.49 FPS.

Useful for field admins who don't want to supply .20s to players just for chrony, and means players don't have to dump rounds for the pre game test.

Has a "distance calc" too which is just simple physics based off the height of the gun (adjustable) and the speed of the BB. No, humidity and such are NOT calculated.

Now, here's the fun part! It's my app, and i made it as a test to see how long deployment takes from submission to final approval in the AppStore.

So, that being said I can make changes or additions as people request them! First order of business, someone make me a pretty icon cuz mines ugly as sin and i knew that from the start. I think it took me longer to write up the store text than it did to make the icon and write the app

Upcoming changes include "auto-reselect" of the previously selected BB Weight, as well as a convert to Meters per second. If anyone wants to supply me with the equations on how humidity, altitude, windspeed/direction affect a BB in flight, i'll throw that in too but otherwise the math makes my brain hurt.

App is being deployed now (i just got the email) so it may take a day or two to show up when you search.
cool. let us know when it is released. I'd be happy to try it out.
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