Originally Posted by ShelledPants
I wasn't trying to undermine you, I was just saying that he should take it to a gun doc because a first time exercise into a mechbox can last 7 hours of headache depending on the task, of which I'm sure we both have experienced early on. 
QFT! Well my g36 mechbox is quite a pain every time i open it. Every time i ended up letting open for a night and starting over again the morning after. Last time i broke my selector plate(i don't even know how i managed to do that) while triing to put the mechbox back in the grip. Glued it with epoxy but i dont know how much time it will hold but anyway i'm ordering a new one tomorrow(sorry for the little thread jack but any hint on how im suppose to install a g36 selector plate?). So my advice, go see a gun doc if you can, could save you a lot of frustration.