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Old February 8th, 2009, 13:36   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Hong Kong
Guarder P226 cycling problem..again.

Hi guys,

Was messing around with my Guarder MBK fitted P226. I had a G&G 100mm silencer attached to a VFC threaded outer barrel with a PDI 7" inner barrel. Shot through both sides of the can easy. But the blowback was lacking. So I proceeded to polish the underside of the slide where it meets the outer barrel. That helped a bit. But the blowback was still too tame for my liking. So I figured that it could have been the silencer adding weight to the outer barrel and screwing up the cycling.

So I took it off and the cycling felt noticeably smoother, the blowback action was crisp and sharper. Which meant that now I have 2 inches of the inner barrel protruding out of the barrel. So I swapped back to a standard length KM barrel.

Now when I fire a shot, the slide gets stuck, nay, jammed at the rearward position. Slapping the front of the outer barrel towards the slide brings it back into battery. When it does work, the blowback was smooth and sharp to my liking, and noticeable much louder than it did with the 7"inner barrel and sliencer. So now I had a Guarder P226 that occasionally has excellent sharp crisp blowback, and most of the time the slide gets stuck at the rearward position.

IS the slide going so fast back that it jams itself onto the top of the outer barrel before the outer barrel has time to go into the down and back action?
Why does this happen? Anyone can shed some light on this?

I then tried reattaching the sliencer back on to isolate what the problem could be, and interestly the slide never jams with the silencer attached. WTF? While others have problems with cycling when a silencer is attached, I now have it without the silencer.
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