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Old March 3rd, 2009, 03:55   #13
mightymouse2's Avatar
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Location: langley
powder coat

Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
Powder coating needs to be baked in an oven but the temperatures are FAR below anything that will alter the attributes of steel or aluminum. The problem with powder coating is its fairly thick so you will need to cut off the coating in areas that mate up to other components.
also with the powder coat you have to take apart the whole gun only the metal parts can be coated. there is a web sight that gives alot of info on painting and the right type of pain to use
and they have stencils to i found the sight here. now i paint wheels and i know what goes in to painting metal i have worked with a few different types of painting so if your gonna paint your gun and want it to last take your time and do things right and use the right paint or it will chip,run,wrinkle or just plain look shitty. so to all you guys who want to paint there metal or plastic guns use the right paint in a warm dust free place

Last edited by mightymouse2; March 3rd, 2009 at 04:03.. Reason: more to say
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