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Old March 3rd, 2009, 10:58   #15
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Stony mountain, MB
Originally Posted by ShortCut View Post
Hey, I was looking at a review of one of G&G's clear lower reciver guns, and looking at the pictures, when it was clear, there were makings on the side like the safe semi auto selector etc. in white, then when he showed a picture of it after he had painted the clear lower reciver black the markings are still there. I feel kinda stupid asking, but how do you paint it so the symbols and stuff doesn't turn black and unnoticable?

What i do is first of all, Take the entire gun apart or at least the remove the parts to be painted. Before painting, i would wipe down the surfaces with alcohol pads to remove dirt, grease, oil, etc, that could fubar your project.
Paint, i would recommend the krylon camo paint from crappy tire (AKA Canadian tire).

For the trades i have come up with this solution but you need a pretty steady hand. Fist sand down the area on the magwell where the decal is. otherwise it will kinda show through the paint as a raised area and look shitty. Then you find a picture of the firearm with the trades you want and carefully Draw them onto your painted reciever with a white ( or other easy to see color) pencil crayon.

Once this looks to your satisfaction, very very carfully engrave the trades using a handheld DREMEL ROTARY TOOL. Don't fuck up cause if you do you just ruined a receiver.

p.s not sure but you could check to see if an engraving shop, like the ones you see in the mall will do plastic. Probably not tho

Good luck
Travis R. (aka Trapper)
Canadian Airsoft Marines. Field owner
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