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Old March 24th, 2009, 18:29   #6
Majestic Mornings rocking it like a Queen
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Windsor, ON
I've done or checked most of whats been suggested, to no real avail. It's actually become clear that when going from semi to full, it isn't strong enough to go back to shooting full-auto, but if you repeatedly go from semi to full, and keep attempting to fire, eventually it is able to shot once.
As it is right now, for some.. bewildered reason is that going from semi to full, instead of firing it full auto, it remains able to shoot in semi. The reason I find this bewildering is because I actually haven't done anything to it, lol.

(This isnt a battery problem though, as the battery is full charged and works in all other guns)

Last edited by IceTray; March 24th, 2009 at 18:44..
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