Thread: Silencers
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Old April 6th, 2009, 13:10   #26
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Originally Posted by sushicake View Post
It wont silence it but it will change the "tack tack tack" noise to "bup bup bup" but you can still hear it as it is still quite loud. But in real life supressors dont silence a weapon either it's still quite loud with one on.
That's a good point too. IIRC, even the MP5SD (real one) still has a report somewhere in the 50 decibal range with a supressor. The purpose of one isn't to make the gun silent -it's to change the sound so it doesn't a) sound like a firearm, and b) make it difficult to tell where the report is coming from. Airsoft supressors are actually quite good at accomplishing those.

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