Originally Posted by ILLusion
Full - AK47 / AK47S / M16A1 / M16A2 / M16VN / Sig550 / G3A3 / G3A4 / G3-SG1 / Steyr AUG
1/3 - G36C / P90 / P90 TR / M1A1 Thompson / Sig551 / Sig552 / M4A1 / M4A1 RIS / M4 S-System / SR16 / XM133 / CAR15 / M733 Commando
3/5 - MC51 / G3 SAS / AK Beita Spetsnaz / MP5A4 / MP5A5 / MP5 RAS / MP5SD5 / MP5SD6 / MP5-J
1/2 - MP5K / PDW
^^ The numbers I used here indicate the placement of the port on the cylinder.
M14 and PSG-1 cylinders are unique to their gearbox. I don't know about Famas and Uzi. Anybody know?
Due to a recent piston havok, I'm in need of a new cylinder (VERY bad luck!). After looking around I decided to go for a cheap Area 1000 cylinder. It's only for a JG 552 anyway, and it might happen again

Anyways I noticed that the venting port on both my P90 cylinders, and my SIG 552 cylinder has the same placement as the Area 1000 cylinder for the MP5A4/A5/SD5/SD6. I also checked some other brands, and the pictures all suggested that the MP5A4/A5/SD5/SD6 actually has the same venting port placement as the MP5s listed, while the M4, SR-16, XM177, SG551 etc. has it's port slightly closer to the back. My JG 552 and Echo1 P90 gearboxes both have longer vents, while my TM P90 cylinder is shorter (like the Area 1000 one). As far as I understand, what really matters is where the vent port actually ends, and the piston head starts pushing air. Maybe the 1/3 and 3/5 categories needs a little rearranging? Can you confirm/unconfirm this?
When that's said I have to thank you for the countless times I've found your posts with much needed knowledge! I consider you one of the best airsoft gurus out there!
PS. I hear that Famas uses the same kind of cylinders as v2, v3 and v6, or maybe it's the other way around