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Old April 17th, 2009, 17:49   #23
Crunchmeister's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
And then you need to dump another $1K+++ into the Inokatsu, or else scratch build one.

All airsoft guns are money pits. There is no such thing as buying the gun and doing nothing to it anymore
Although it seems unusual for us to agree on something, I can wholeheartedly agree here dude. To have a fieldable Ino with mags, you're up near $3000. Even with my regular AEGs, I've put almost as much money in mags, upgrades, accessories, etc into them than the initial costs of all my guns.

But to the point of the custom ILLusion gun, I just couldn't justify that expense for a pistol that would be holstered most of the time. At least a GBB rifle I would put to use... but it would be a money pit for sure.
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